A – Z Challenge

U = Manage Urgent Tasks

So many different things vie for a writer’s attention every day. Given the internet, there are so many things that distract us from our main goals as writers. All of a sudden, the superfluous things start taking precedence over the important things. In other words, the superfluous things become urgent. This is when a writer loses his/her perspective and productivity can ebb to its lowest level.

In order to be a productive and motivated writer, you must manage your urgent tasks. Here are a few other tips on how to do this.

1. Determine first things first.

2. Know your three main writing goals and never sit down to write without working on one or these goals first.

3. Be committed to do the most important things first.

4. Don’t do any urgent items until you complete your most important tasks.

By following these tips, you will be managing your urgent tasks once and for all. This will help us become much more productive.

Try it!

Irene S. Roth
Author and Editor

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